Preface: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life

The following are links and resources for the Beyond Training Preface: “Are Endurance Sports Unhealthy?”, listed in order of their appearance in the chapter.

1.  Ancestral Health Symposium.

2.  Dr. O’ Keefe’s report on findings that exercise can be harmful.

3.  The book “Born To Run”.

4.  “Can Cardio Cause Heart Disease?” on

5.  More details about my job as a WellnessFX consultant and triathlon coach.

6.  Methods I’ve written about before which you can use to avoid chronic-cardio self destruction and get extremely fit with the minimal effective dose of training.

7.  Chris Anderson’s book “The Long Tail“.

8.  All my previous health, fitness, endurance and nutrition books.

9.  Niche topics I’ve written about, such as getting rid of pain on the outside of your knee or lifting weights for triathlon.

10. The online training software “TrainingPeaks“.