Beyond Training “10 Rules For Becoming An Ancestral Athlete” – Links, Resources and Bonus Materials

The following are links, resources and bonus materials for Beyond Training Chapter 23: “10 Rules For Becoming An Ancestral Athlete”, listed in order of their appearance in the chapter.

  1. What I’m referring to when I talk about organ loss of vital regions such as your heart and liver and a drop in your metabolism of nearly 30%.
  2. A very low carbohydrate diet has been shown to improve metabolic efficiencyand in many people – especially females the potential damage of low carbohydrate intake can be mitigated with sane amounts of carbohydrate intake, while avoiding excessive restriction.
  3. The excellent book “Anti-Fragile“.
  4. Get a standing workstation or treadmill desk.
  5. For my races, I personally use a combination of Superstarch, X2Performance, Essential Amino Acids, VESPA Wasp Extract and MCT Oil.
  6. Our ancestors might actually appreciate a bit of compression gear, cold thermogenesis, electrostimulation or some other fancy “unnatural” modern recovery protocol. They’d also perhaps consider using an earthing device or taking a melatonin supplement.
  7. I’ve written about how there’s evidence  multi-tasking can create ADD type symptoms.