Beyond Training “Two Ways Your Brain Breaks And Exactly What You Can Do About It – Part 1” – Links, Resources and Bonus Materials

The following are links, resources and bonus materials for Beyond Training Chapter 21: “Two Ways Your Brain Breaks And Exactly What You Can Do About It – Part 1”, listed in order of their appearance in the chapter.

  1. Podcast episode: “How You Can Use The “Central Governor” To Tap Into Your Muscle’s Hidden Potential.”
  2. Anti-depressants have not been convincingly shown to affect the long-term outcome of depression
  3. Chronic exposure to SSRI antidepressants can actually make you feel apathetic or less engaged in your life.
  4. Placebos just as effective as antidepressants – good article.
  5. Drink no more than 8-10 ounces of black coffee each day and avoid mycotoxins from moldy coffee.
  6. I usually take 5-10 grams of NatureAminos before hard workouts or as an amino acid source for neurotransmitter precursor.
  7. For Vitamin B supplementation, I recommend either a liposomal Vitamin B12 spray, or an antioxidant/Vitamin B powdered blend.
  8. Get very good doses of minerals from a well balanced diet and the broad spectrum of the real foods and nutrient dense sources listed in Chapter 11. A good mineral rich source of protein such as a goat-based protein powder is also useful, as is a daily dose of either a trace liquid mineral supplement. Another option is liberal use of a high quality salt, such as Himalayan sea salt
  9. One of the first things I do is pop 1,000 milligrams of Thorne Curcumin
  10. A good fix for depression or lack of motivation is taking 3000mg Tyrosine and 300mg 5-HTP, including Travacor by Nutriscience (my preferred solution), Neuro-5HTP by Biotics and CraveArrest by Designs For Health.
  11. For more advanced solutions, there is supplement called NeuroReplete, which you can combine with CysReplete to increase catecholamine synthesis and D-5 Mucuna to increase dopamine synthesis. Dr. Daniel Kalish is a real expert in this, so I’d highly recommend you visit the Kalish Institute website, read the Kalish Method book. You can learn more about neurotransmitter repletion at, and the test for this that I recommend is available from DirectLabs and is the NeuroAdrenal Expanded test.
  12. For more on urinary neurotransmitter testing, I’d recommend you check out
  13. For a good source of vegan based fatty acids, I recommend algae-based DHA supplements such as EnergyBits or marine phytoplankton.


1. Benmansour S, Cecchi M, Morilak DA, Gerhardt GA, Javors MA, Gould GG, Frazer A (1999). “Effects of chronic antidepressant treatments on serotonin transporter function, density, and mRNA level”. J. Neurosci. 19 (23): 10494–501.

2. Breggin, P. (2011, November 16). New research: Antidepressants can cause long-term depression . Retrieved from

3. Frazer, A.; and Hensler, J. G. (1999). “Understanding the neuroanatomical organization of serotonergic cells in the brain provides insight into the functions of this neurotransmitter”.Basic Neurochemistry. (Sixth ed.).

4. Kresser, C. (2008, April 27). Placebos as effective as antidepressants. Retrieved from

5. Medieros, L. (2012). Neurobiological effects of transcranial direct current stimulation: a review. Front Psychiatry., December 28(3), 110.

6. Montenegro, R. (2010). Transcranial direct current stimulation influences the cardiac autonomic nervous system. Neuroscience Letters.

7. Noakes, T MD, Lore of Running, (Champaign, Illinois: Leisure Press, 1991), p. 701.

8. Olekalns, N. (1996). Rational addiction to caffeine. Journal of Political Economy, 104(5), 1100.

9. Ribeiro, J. (2010). Caffeine and adenosine. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 20, S3-S15.

10. Saladin, Kenneth S. Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. McGraw Hill. 2009

11. The Bulletproof Executive. (2012, July 3). Why bad coffee makes you weak. Retrieved from

12. University of Kent Academia. (2013). Samuele Marcora. Retrieved from