Beyond Training “A Tale Of Two Triathletes – Can Exercise Make You Age Faster?” – Links, Resources and Bonus Materials

The following are links, resources and bonus materials for Beyond Training Chapter 1: “A Tale Of Two Triathletes – Can Exercise Make You Age Faster?”, listed in order of their appearance in the chapter.

  1. The interval or speedwork that Chad neglected.
  2. My top 10 ways to boost the libido that Chad was missing.
  3. Everything that modern medicine does wrong about heartburn and acid reflux.
  4. What Chad could have done about his dry, wrinkled skin.
  5. My thoughts on Chad slathering on lots of sunscreen.
  6. The advanced blood and saliva testing and gut panel Chad could have gotten.
  7. The hard intense 60-90 minute interval workouts and 20-30 minute bursts of interval training Kirsten does.
  8. The stand up, outdoor elliptical trainer “Elliptigo” that Kirsten uses as an alternative to impact running.
  9. Kirsten’s recovery techniques like foam rolling, ice baths, compression gear and other little tricks.
  10. How Kirsten listens to her body to avoid overtraining.
  11. How to train muscle groups with dynamic strength training sessions.
  12. Kirsten’s approach to simply eating real food.
  13. How Kirsten also tests her body
  14. The harsh chemicals Kirsten avoids.
  15. The natural beauty products and essential oils Kirsten uses.
  16. How Kirsten limits her exposure to excessive estrogens.
  17. Why Kirsten uses smart exercise, nutrition and healthy living strategies.