Beyond Training “The Zen Of Getting Uber-Fit Without Neglecting Your Friends, Your Family and Your Career” – Links, Resources and Bonus Materials
The following are links, resources and bonus materials for the Beyond Training Chapter 19: “The Zen Of Getting Uber-Fit Without Neglecting Your Friends, Your Family and Your Career“, listed in order of their appearance in the chapter.
- Minimalist Ironman trainer and data geek Sami Inkinen and a podcast I recorded with Sami on “How To Maximize Triathlon Success With Minimal Training Time” about his interesting practices such as using a swim snorkel and doing most of his training on a Computrainer
- My LAVA magazine article entitled “Unconventional Triathlon Training”.
- MaccaXPro cycling and treadmill workouts.
- Sufferfest cycling workouts.
- Runervals treadmill workouts.
- My podcast on How To Make A Home Gym, which includes a suspension strap, an indoor sprinting device called a FIT10, a stability ball, a Gymstick, a door frame pull-up bar, and a kettlebell from Onnit.
- Check out my The Official “Baby It’s Too Cold Outside to Drive to the Pool” Swim Workout, which simply requires some elastic tubing or Stretchcordz.
- I do outdoor elliptical training on my Elliptigo.
- I pack babywipes or Actionwipes for fast cleanup after workouts.
- Listne to my phone app podcast episode with Darryl Edwards, owner of the fantastic FitnessExplorer website.
- Check out the website for workouts you can do with your kids.
- You can view a sample training day layout of my own training protocols on my triathlon training blog.
- My 2 part article series on cross-training at
- Greasing the groove is discussed in an excellent book called The Naked Warrior.
- I use a Squatty Potty and I’m currently putting a treadmill desk into my office.
- The podcast episode “How To Biohack Your Workouts, Your Diet & Your Life To Get More Done In Less Time“
- My minimilast endurance training plans include Tri-Ripped*, Triathlon Dominator* and Marathon Dominator.
- I wrote this chapter while hooked up to a Compex electrostimulation device. I could have also been wearing my CoolFatBurner vest.
1. Doma, K. (2013). The effects of strength training and endurance training order on running economy and performance. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab., 38(6), 351-6.
2. Rønnestad, B. (2013). Optimizing strength training for running and cycling endurance performance: A review. Scand J Med Sci Sports, doi: 10.1111/sms.12104
3. Tsatsouline, P. (2003). The naked warrior. (2nd ed.). St. Paul, MN: Dragon Door Publications.